1 Zimmer, 35 m²
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CHF 1'290
8032 Zürich
Kapfstrasse 5
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35 m²
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Mietpreis pro Monat
Mietpreis pro Monat
CHF 1'290
Neue WG in Kapfstrasse 5, Zürich
We are still looking for a flatmate for the beautiful attic! We lowered the price, but the expectation is that you'll quickly give us your decision.
Willkommen zu unserer neuen WG in Kapferstrasse 5! Das Haus wurde frisch 2024 renoviert, und du würdest Küche, Badezimmer, Waschküche und grosser Garten mit einer coolen WG teilen!
Wir suchen nach einer offenen Person die gerne in einer sozialen WG wohnen würde. Privatsphäre und Zeit für sich alleine zu haben sind uns wichtig, es wäre aber auch schön zusammen etwas zu unternehmen. :)
Als WG haben wir alle verschiedene Backgrounds und Geschichten, zielen aber daraufhin ein spannendes Umfeld mit interessanten, offenen Menschen zu haben. Im Alter sind wir alle etwa zwischen 20 und 40 Jahre alt. Vom Geschlecht versuchen wir eine gewisse Balance zu behalten.
Welcome to your future WG in Kapfstrasse 5! This listing is specifically for the big, beautiful attic room that spans over the whole second floor. It has its own separate door and quaint little staircase, numerous windows, and freshly installed new insulation in the ceiling to keep you comfortable over all seasons.
Our new home near Klusplatz has just been freshly renovated, and we will be the first ones to move in after the renovation, on the 1st of April exactly! Over 250m2 of old-world charm and modern amenities can live up to six people, sharing one kitchen, a small common room, two bathrooms (one shower) and a large private garden, as well as a sizeable winter garden for a secondary common room.
The house is in Kreis 7, near Klusplatz, one of the most sought after areas in Zürich. The neighborhood is central enough to reach the city center quickly, but also quiet and relaxed, with numerous historical buildings, ours being one of them ^^.
While we respect each other's privacy and alone time (saying this as an introvert), we are looking for an open-minded person who is interested in actively living with us in one of the nicer places in Zürich, surrounded by lovely, interesting people in an international setting.
We're aiming for a comfy, relaxed atmosphere where you can be yourself without being judged, and where it's normal to organize something together from time to time. We are also going to keep a gender balance with around as much women as men in the house (currently it looks like it's going to be 50/50 exactly).
We would like to live with people who are passionate about what they are doing, be it playing music, sports, studying, or collecting seashells!
You would be renting the spacious attic from Gino and Derek (that's me! :)), who have been living together for a while in a WG and know each other for a bit longer than that.
Gino was born and raised in Zürich, and is a professional mechanic and a skilled handyman, known for his excellent pasta and for his delightful sense of humor. In his spare time, he can be found discussing important topics with friends (often with Derek), and playing his concertina. He is one of the most generous persons I've ever met, and he has a talent for making everyone around him comfortable and at ease.
I am originally from Ticino and Zürich, and I'm studying Biology and Philosophy at UZH. Besides being passionate about knowledge and languages, I love all forms of art, with a particular interest in music and writing. When I'm not working on some crazy philosophical or scientific "theory", or playing the piano, I can be often found reading in a cozy corner, or having an interesting conversation with one of my flatmates.
Also part of our WG is Rina! Who just confirmed she will live with us. She's a good friend of ours and a brilliant architect from Japan. We lived with her in our previous WG, and are so happy to have her with us.
Please write about yourself in the application, and please also be sure to have Signal installed and ready to go, as that is where I'll contact you. I'm really looking forward to get to to know you!
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